What To Do With A Popsicle Stick

1. Instant Herb marker….never mix up parsley and cilantro again. Just label a popsicle stick with a permanent marker and put it in the soil. The stake will hold up all summer.
2. No more wobbly table! Cut off popsicle stick pieces and glue under the table leg adding enough to make it steady.
3. Rainy day game! Line up 10 popsicle sticks side by side. Tape across to hold together and let your child paint a picture on the back. Remove tape, mix up the sticks and have them put the puzzle back together.
4. Kid friendly utensils! Your youngsters can make their own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and you can relax. When they use a Popsicle stick as a spreader instead of a knife.
5. Paint can label! No clue what color is inside those paint cans. Next time dip a Popsicle stick in the paint. Set it on the can lid and let dry. Then tape it to the top for an instant color coder.
6. Candle lighter! Trying to light a pillar candle that has burned low? Just tape a match to a popsicle stick to safely reach the wick.